Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa photos

                                            Yes it is that time of year again "Santa photos".....

Now any parent will tell you the first few years are really hard -kids either Love him or Hate him,The little fella is the later.
                                              A mini " OH NO NOT SANTA....

So this year we thought we would try something different.My friend Gill and her daughter Milly came with us.
Photos started at 11.00am -We were there from 9.30am  to  be in the first 5 in that  line .That way your in and then out quickly.And it worked great,mmm maybe you should have seen the line up at 11.00am.
Milly went first so little fellow could see her.Did it help No-he just wasn't interested.

So I had secret weapon #2 up my sleeve-Sorry secret weapon # 1 was Geoffrey with a Santa hat on(didn't work)anyway #2 was a bribe  which was giving him and letting him  hold my mobile phone-worked a treat and we had smiles-

Not cause he was sitting next to Geoffrey but he was happy that he was holding and touching my phone.

                                       Any way took this photo after  we got home.....

Just too cool for words although one does spring to mind -he he he

I took this one of Milly when we were going home.
She is a beautiful little girl who  even though she is older than LM (Little Man) he loves her so it will be a good for him to have her as a role model.
Anyway in this photo I think Milly is thinking _Oh no not another camera-My mummy is like that...

Kev said she looks like "not you as well ok take the photo..."

Oh the dramas of a beauty queen to be -ha  ha ha

dee x

1 comment:

  1. Milly looks so beautiful. As for Aidan well he is just a real cool dude.


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Dee x