Hi Friends
I have been missing in action lately not bad sick but just felt like someone has pull the plug on me and I am deflated...Sounds weird but I can't describe it any other way.
Today when I felt like #%7* FOR THE 5TH DAY IN A ROW I got out my little notebook and went through my list
Pills -yes taken all of them on time every one of them (hate them 25 a day yes I had them but I guess they are keeping me alive so suck it up and keep taking them ha ha )
Fluid-I have to watch my fluid intake very carefully.I cant drink more than 1500mls a day -that includes yoghurt's ,gravy .So I write down my intake and out take (is that a word) everyday.It was weird at first but now I just do it without thinking...
Weight- I have to watch my weight -Yeah like everyone does.but I need to ensure it doesn't lose to much in a day or go up kinda hard to explain but it is to ensure I don't get the fluid in my lungs again
OK all checked everything is fine.No changes so why am I feeling like #%*&. I think I will go see my local Doctor tomorrow..
So to take my mind off of me being sick I thought I would show some of the craft I have been doing lately what with the Christening and the first birthday party I think I am so over pink cupcakes and pink cup pops....Please I beg of you give me a rest from the pink....he he he
I am not sure if I showed you the candle for the Christening.Really happy with it- it turned out pretty.
Yeah something different BLUE train for Lucas christening.I love this style of print as you can tell
Frames are from the reject shop for $4 each so for under $5 you have a really nice gift.
I love cupcakes so I really loved this sign for the Birthday girl or as you see the picture below for the Christening,Frame from the reject shop $4.Another pretty gift...
I made this for my granddaughter's christening and like I have said before I like this style of picture.It always turns out differently depending on the papers I use.
These are new for me I have done blocks before but not with names on them.....
My dad cut them up for me then I painted them green/ pink alternately.
I then stenciled the girls name on the blocks and put a green block with heart at either end.
I didn't take a photo of the back of the blocks but Kev suggested I put other letters on the back and side (great idea Kev but I should have thought of it ha ha )
Now how cute are these? I made these for Chloe's birthday as little favours to take home.
I used my best friend (pic monkey ) to put the heart on and if you look carefully I have put words around the wings such as Happy Birthday little Miss Chloe.....One year old today......Daddy's little princess and such on..just made it a little more personal.
If you click onto this link
Butterfly's you will be taken to where I got the idea from.This site also has a flower head which i want to do...similar idea...
Also I made my first butterfly the same as hers but them I thought Chloe is only one so I reduced them down in size and used the mini chupa chups that you get. Turned out too cute.Oh I forgot to say I glues a couple of google eyes onto the lollie head way too cute.
Christening cupcakes and cupcakes ....Guess what they are PINK ha ha ha .....
Here's something different.I made these up for my mum and Dad for their market stall.There are about 40 different verses but these are all that I had finished when I took the photos but you get the idea....
It is just a single piece of card with envelope .I printed the verse onto the card then added the little charm and ribbon bow and presto nice little gift for someone and something fast and easy for mum and dad to make and hopefully sell lots of.
Finally the last lot of pink,cupcake cake pops and pink tea cup biscuits all for the Birthday girl..
So I guess when I look at things I have been busy and I still have heaps more I am in the middle of making...so until my next craft post bye.....