I have a few little bits and pieces to show you today .....
Nothing real exciting or earth shattering to you but I like them and want to remember them....
Kerry loves Chevron design and my mum made her this beautiful rug for Peanut.
It's not fair I love this rug the colours are so good together maybe if I whinge a bit she may make me one for the LM.ha ha ha
A very quick Thank you card that I made for Kerry for her shower guests.Like I said she likes chevron so I thought these would be good for her.
She really liked them so that was good.We just got them printed out at Kmart on matt paper and I think they look pretty good.
These are the prints we got for Peanut as part of his shower gift.Kerry got them from Etsy ....I only had to pay for them .She bought the frames from Ikea.I love them they are something different from having fluffy bunnies and such....
A recent picture of my mum and dad.I love it and they both look so happy .
I guess I am really lucky to have parents who are not only still together but are still in love with each other....
Thanks LM-this horrible picture is of me.
The only concession is I was sick (aren't I always ) ha ha
Maybe I can use this for our Halloween party it could scare anyone ha ha ha Thats the trouble with giving a 5year old a camera he just sneaks up to you and takes your photo.Now I am far from a beauty queen but I would like to at least brush my hair before a photo is taken ....Hear that LM.......ha ha ha pity poor Kev waking up to this each morning......
The LM loves to send texts......
Lately if he is being good I will let him send a text to mum or Kerry.Most times he just says hello or I love you but lately he is copying anything in writing he is looking at.So I never know what he is going to send.The yellow texts are what he sent to mum and her reply is blue.As you can see he was looking at a Cheetos pack......He is such a funny little thing.....I cant wait till he can read it shouldnt be too long as he is so eager to read which is half the battle.
I got these stickers off Etsy for Peanut.
You get a white jumpsuit and there is one sticker for each month you attach the sticker to the jumpsuit and take your picture of baby ..Do it each month for a little record of how much he has grown.The ones I have seen all use the same background and same suit just change the sticker..I think I paid around $10 with postage from USA.Kerry chose the design which I think is really cute.I have seen a blog which has done this weekly and it looks amazing but weekly is a bit too much for Kerry to do .but she will do monthly.....(with me nagging her ha ha ha )
I think I am turning into a redneck...
I love these 2 shows.....Pawn Stars is just entertaining and I love seeing the different items people bring in to pawn and what they are worth but OMG Duck Commanders it is sooooooooo different .They are just so normal (???????) but are duck hunting mad yet they are family /church loving men and I just love it I think this is the best reality show on TV.
I can't get enough of this show_I am even quoting bits to Kevin all the time as to what they say....I love it when Phil says "happy happy happy" he is my favorite and head of the family...
Last picture.Just had to show this one.I love it..(gee I say that alot I love it I love it oh shut up ) .It shows LM's very cheeky side which I love...
If you stuck with me for all my pictures thanks.I hope I didn't bore you too much..ha ha