I love being a Nana.
OMG you say!!!!!! we know that .....you are boring us with pictures already..."WHAT!!!!" oh no just joking...."Look I am going mad talking to my self..."
Jaxon has just turned 4 weeks old -I am a idiot or else I am in love again..
He may be 4 weeks old but ever since I realised I would not be having anymore children( that was when Kerry was around 4 or 5 and it killed me especially since my best friend had 5 beautiful girls.. ) I resigned myself to waiting for Kerry's babies" My Grand kids"......
OH the wait has been about 25years so yep I am very excited that it has happen now.....
When my friends and family had babies a little bit of me died.`....
Then when gran babies came along while on the outside I was happy for the beautiful children that came to our family it felt like a knife was being twisted in my heart and that dying feeling was worse now .....
Where are my Grand kids ??? When will it be my turn?..
These are the main cuties that have came along........I love every single one of them and the joy I get from them is indescribable.I love them dearly and would never not be a part of their lives........
Makayla and Tyler-niece's and nephew's -love theses 2 cheeky kids...We were at the hospital when Tyler was born and saw him when he was around 10 mins old..
This little niece melts my heart when I see her-Chloe....
These cuties are my nephew's on Kevin's side and I love them both. Zeke and Trey..
Love this little to girl to bits.Annaliese......Even though she not my blood niece who cares she is my little girl always will be..
My granddaughter Shakira- such a beautiful little doll -love her to bits
She is Kevin's sons daughter so really she is nought to me but in my heart she is my granddaughter and I love her true.x
Now here is where it gets sticky......LM is my blood nephew whom you all know,and how much I love him and who will be in my life forever...(ha ha LM you can't get away )
Shakira and Luca are my grandchildren although they are Kevin's blood Grand kids I still count them as mine and do love them....
BUT !!!!.
All these little kiddies are very special to me ( and Kevin's as well but this is about me ha ha ha )..
each year this feeling of emptiness continues to bloom as the kiddies get bigger start getting excited when they see Uncle Kev and Auntie Dee blah that is not the word I want ringing in my head I want to hear NANA ......... NAN.......I WANT MY NANA......
Oh God I love every one of these kids but,So I waited and waited, I only have I daughter so I waited ...
Well God must have been listening... as
And now I have one...Yes I have my grandchild and he is everything I could have wished for and more......I look at him and see Kerry.He has her long fingers her eyes and hair it is like going back in time....I melt....
So now I start my new life journey.that of a Nana.......Yes Jaxon I am going to go to every school function.....every sporting event I will be the garden gnome cheering you on...
I will hold your hand when we go shopping.... I will listen to you always .....I will sing to you AC/DC songs as well as the Wiggles........we will dance together ......and yes Jaxon I will brush my hair for you..
We will do so much Jaxon you and me ...And I will love you always.Always.Always and Always...
And hey I will have lollies in my pocket for you along with a hankie to wipe your little nose with he he he
I love you little man I truly do..................and now I wish I was standing on top of a mountain not sitting in my in my bedroom telling the world in my biggest voice but the sentiment is the same.
I will get healthier for you so I can do all of the above.I have been given a second chance at love I will not give it away easy.So now I have another little man to love.LM and Jaxon are going to be firm friends and always know they are loved. But for now I am shouting.....