Friday, July 31, 2015
Bitsand Bobs
Aidan at the dentist waiting for his check up and clean..
I broke my coffee canister so I had to buy another one .I got these in Target and while I didn't fell in love with them straight away I did like them so they came home with me...
They are growing on me now...
These are the beautiful flowers that we sent mum for her 70th Birthday-they were so beautiful...
Look at this beautiful women she is the best and we love her so much Happy 70th Birthday mum....
Jaxon drinking green tea at Yum Cha ...he loves Yum Cha and on this day he ate four pork buns....
Another one of Jaxon this time of him at day care.What a cutie...
My first flower this winter and its a stunner...
My brother in law John turned 50th this month...
Aidans not happy to have his photo taken but he was happy to get his award for helping classmates with technology.Well done
dee x
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Blanket update.
This blanket is killing me.....
I was suppose to have it finish but no I am so plodding along with it.
So to try and inspire me I got all the squares together and tryed to see how much more I have to do...
HEAPS MORE TO DO.....ha ha ha
But at least when I see this it looks great and its given me the push to get it finished...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
A very genourous gift....
I received the most generous gift last week I just cant believe it....
This beautiful little table was painted white and gifted to me by the beautiful Fiona from Lilyfield Life.
Fiona knew I was looking for a table like this so when she saw this she grabbed it and painted it up and she gave it to me.
This wonderful women knew I hadn't been good lately and she decided to cheer me up...
Well when she told me and I hung up I couldn't stop crying.
Can you believe in this day and age you don't get things like this happening to you, like someone giving you a beautiful table and not expecting anything just wanting to make you happy or if it does happen it doesn't happen to me but guess what this time it did ...ha ha
I love the turned wood and the detail. This table is a keeper....
So I am so grateful to Fiona for her beautiful gesture.....
I will never forget this and hopefully one day ill follow this on as well.....

Monday, July 27, 2015
SHOCK i put blue in my house....what !!!!
Don't be shocked but me ....Dee painted something blue to go into my house .
Can you believe it.....
I had the letter A and decided to change it to the blue as well as this stool....
Kevin went over to get the bits I missed.....
The stool turned out really well.
It was just the right amount of blue to give it that punch of colour...
We also bought Aidan a new desk for his room.
I have been looking for one for awhile but I couldn't find one as the room space was very small and all the ones I looked at were to big.
I finally managed to get one and couldn't wait to get it set up....
But guess what I will never be a flat pack queen ,I took one look at all the screws and nuts and put them back in the box and walked away leaving it to Kev....
When Aidan saw the desk and stool the grin was so big....
But its blue mum you hate blue he said....
Yes bub its all for you....
The best part of this is he has been using his desk everyday and he loves it.
Dee x
Can you believe it.....
I had the letter A and decided to change it to the blue as well as this stool....
Kevin went over to get the bits I missed.....
The stool turned out really well.
It was just the right amount of blue to give it that punch of colour...
We also bought Aidan a new desk for his room.
I have been looking for one for awhile but I couldn't find one as the room space was very small and all the ones I looked at were to big.
I finally managed to get one and couldn't wait to get it set up....
But guess what I will never be a flat pack queen ,I took one look at all the screws and nuts and put them back in the box and walked away leaving it to Kev....
When Aidan saw the desk and stool the grin was so big....
But its blue mum you hate blue he said....
Yes bub its all for you....
The best part of this is he has been using his desk everyday and he loves it.
Dee x
Friday, July 24, 2015
Dinner with our Besties....
The other weekend we caught up with our besties Alan and Lisa and we went to the Bavarian Bier Cafe.....
It was great to go out without Aidan for a change. We enjoyed the time together so much...
When we get together with these friends it is the best of nights laughing that much that you nearly wet your pants....
They are truly the best and we are lucky to have them...
So of course Kevin and Alan had to have a beer or two....
This was our meal....omg I got a pork knuckle and Kev got a puck belly and we also got a doggie bag as the meals were huge...
The entertainment was unreal I told him that it was Alan and Lisa's anniversary so he proceeded to sing to them.....
Lisa told him "my friends a liar"
Well this liar couldn't stop laughing....
My wonderful Kev having "another beer"....
Cheers from the terrible two....

Thursday, July 23, 2015
Daddy paints a wall mural for Jaxon
We called into Kerry and Emmanuel's on the weekend and got to see Manny working on a mural for Jaxons big boy room....
He's doing it properly using tape I wouldn't do that and then wonder why isn't it as good as Mannys...
Talk about unreal was terrific.
When we left he had only got to this part But I was amazed by just how good it all looks .
OMG Emmanuel you have outdone yourself I cant wait for the room to all be set up .....
Now you have to think of something great for the baby's room.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Gold Coast Tooth Fairy....
Hey kids if you have a wiggly tooth get your parents to take you to the Gold Coast.....
I didn't even know Aidan had a wiggly tooth so I didn't tell my mum to be on the look out for a fallen out tooth but while Aidan was on holidays a little tooth from the bottom fell out....
So they had to put it out for the Tooth Fairy...
Next day Aidan calls me real excited "guess what I got $5 from the Tooth Fairy"
"what" down here the going rate is $2
How come $5 I asked him.....
Well mum its the Gold Coast they pay more here.......
Oh shoot......
SO kiddies like I said if you have a loose tooth head on up to the Gold Coast the Fairy is rich up there....
Dee xxx
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
My green letter S.....
I have seen lots of versions of this project everywhere and thought I would give it a go.....
I really wanted a big letter S but Kev said there is a lot of work in that so I thought I would just try this version and if it works watch out Kev you are making a big one he he he....
So I used a Hedi Swap marque light from Spotlight and as it was a form of cardboard we prayed it just to protect it.
I think it should be OK as you don't water them much so I can only try....
Now I cut up pieces of paper towel to line the S as there are holes in it and I didn't want to lose my work before I started....
Then the fun part start putting your succulents in.I didn't put dirt in first because I thought this was easier and it was....
I bought a couple of plants from Bunnings and I also broke some off some that I had and she filled up pretty fast...
Once I had used all my plants I put dirt in the spaces and pushed it down.
Then I gave it a drink of water and let it sit where it was just to let everything settle....
It has settled now and its outside on a table so now I will wait and see how it goes but I really like it .
It was a bit fiddly but well worth it....
Monday, July 20, 2015
My latest project..
I saw this beautiful throw on Instagram that a friend made and I instantly fell in love with it and just had to do it....
So I trace the pattern down well actually I felt like a hunter tracking her prey....
The Wool Inn in Penrith helped me with my wool and I was ready ...
Well everything was ready but apparently I wasn't....
Lordy me I have done and undone this silly throw three times and I just cant get it .....and its killing me ,there must be something I am missing something small I am going to try again tomorrow and if it doesn't work I will wait till mum comes down in September...
Oh please work I really need to finish this blanket and I haven't even started it....

Thursday, July 9, 2015
4Beautiful cards.
My craft mojo came up and bit me on the backside the other week really hard.
I haven't done much craft work for ages so it kinda of surprised me....
I decided to make some special cards. Right no problem you say ,well here's the problem I have never made a card before URGHHH.....
Then I remembered I had received a beautiful card from a lovely friend called Mary who does the most amazing scrap booking so I used her card to get a good idea of what to do ...
Here are my first two cards I made....
This is for my lovely friend Virginia we have been friends for years I am sure she will love these colours....
Bries card was weird for me to make due to the colour but i think it turned out great....
Even Aidan got the card mojo and he made this for his Nana's birthday card...
Lastly i made this one for mums 70th birthday she loves red so i know shell love this...
Well i hope my crafting will keep up i have missed doing this....
I haven't done much craft work for ages so it kinda of surprised me....
I decided to make some special cards. Right no problem you say ,well here's the problem I have never made a card before URGHHH.....
Then I remembered I had received a beautiful card from a lovely friend called Mary who does the most amazing scrap booking so I used her card to get a good idea of what to do ...
Here are my first two cards I made....
This is for my lovely friend Virginia we have been friends for years I am sure she will love these colours....
Bries card was weird for me to make due to the colour but i think it turned out great....
Even Aidan got the card mojo and he made this for his Nana's birthday card...
Lastly i made this one for mums 70th birthday she loves red so i know shell love this...
Well i hope my crafting will keep up i have missed doing this....

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Red nose day 2015
I must be a glutton for punishment ....
I had been feeling sick for a few days but I promised Aidan that I would make him some cupcakes to take to school for Red Nose Day so somehow I managed to do it and I had one happy little boy...
Here are our cupcakes.
I used these giant red chocolate balls (like a Jaffa) from Coles on vanilla icing on top of red velvet cupcakes.
Wish I could say I did it from scratch but good old packet mix to the rescue....
Aidan's teacher said the kids loved them.
They were the perfect size for little kids..
Now Red Nose Day fell on the last day for term 2 so the school was having a crazy hat and crazy sock disco......
Here is the hat he wanted to wear....
and the crazy socks which is his rainbow socks...
Aidan was so excited about the disco he loves to dance....
But the best part was it was his classes assembly....
I got to sing and dance for his school with his friends
THEN..... Aidan got an award for good work.I was so proud....
So what started out as a oh no I don't want to do this day turned into a perfect day ....
dee x
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