Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Little Dragons

Last week the Little Man started Little Dragons.

What is that you ask??? Well he is now doing karate and Little Dragons is the 4-6yr age group.

Karl goes here and I think he has his black belt now so maybe one day that could be the Little Man.....If his instructors can handle him for that long ha ha

When he came home he could only remember one thing...
The Stance.

OMG how scary looking is he.

I hope I never run into him in a dark alley...

Too cute for words....

The next day as they were  going to day care  LM asked Kev "why did I go to  little dragons?"
                                           Kev said "we thought you might like it"
                           "Well you were wrong " was his reply.Kev said he had to really try hard not to
 laugh as  LM sounded so serious.
                          Today we said to him "your going to Little Dragons today."
                                                "Yeah  I want to go now" he said.
                                                        You can't win with kids ....

1 comment:

  1. Black belt coming up. We hope that they can train him well. He looks very cute though.


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Dee x