I was determined to make sure that this year I did everything on my list.
You all know I was sick last year and missed a lot of Christmas but not this year.
I AM GOING TO MAKE EVERYTHING I PLANNED TO MAKE......(well at least this is my plan )..
On my list is a Santa letter.Usually we do this for all the niece's and nephew's For the letters that need to be posted we just put a normal stamp on the back and the others well the kids parents put them in the letter box on the day the want.
I put the child's name on the letter and also make it say boy/girl as needed.
The hardest thing is thinking up the contents for the letter as the kids range from 1 year to 9 years old but I think I did OK this year...
So 15 letters have now been printed and posted so hopefully there will be some excited kids soon.
I know the LM will just love his.
If you want the stamp or postmark or even the letter to send off for yourself just email me and I will pass it on....
Ho Ho Ho another item off my list yes....
Very good Mrs Santa secretary.