I am late with the Red Nose this year ( it was on Friday I must remember that it is held on the last Friday in June) as being sick means not getting out and about but I was told about this "Free"phone app that is being used to raise awareness for Red Nose Day and it is for all year round so even people who are late or have forgotten the date can still participate.....
The best part is it is free!!!.It is called Red Nose Me.....
Apart from raising awareness for Red Nose Day this app is fun and is for all the family.
Just download the app....
Pick your nose (sounds gross) there are a lot of different "noses" so to speak.....
Line your face up to the "NOSE" and click take your picture. It will then go onto the online gallery and you can share your picture with face book ,twitter etc...
When had fun choosing our noses and laughing at how we looked... and we all did it with varying results.....
My handsome husband.....poor thing he didn't know what I was going on about as I just told him to "smile and take his photo"
OMG I don't know if I am a bunny or a mouse .LM said I was a rat !!! thanks mate....and yes I should have brushed my hair.....oh and check out the wrinkles OH Crap just shut up Dee.....
LM said he was a bunny....How come he can be a bunny while I am a rat ??? it doesn't sound fair does it...I think he is a little rat he he he
Ground control to Major Kev ......Kev looks good even in a space suit....
So what do you have to lose.....it's free ,it's fun and it may teach your kids something.... Also you can make a donation on this site if you choose to do so.Plus another reason why you should do this is.....
Carnival Cruise Lines are also supporting Red Nose Day..
They are offering a cruise for two to the winner ...
So download your picture to be in the running.
Entries close July 12th 2013.
Here is a few facts about Red Nose Day...
Red Nose Day, held annually on the last Friday in June, is the major fundraiser for SIDS and Kids. Funds raised through Red Nose Day activities assist SIDS and Kids in providing vital services and programs to the Australian community.
SIDS and Kids is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during pregnancy, birth, infancy and childhood and to supporting bereaved families.
SIDS and Kids offer nation-wide free bereavement services to families who have experienced the death of a baby or child during pregnancy, birth, infancy and childhood regardless of the cause.
Each year SIDS and Kids fields thousands of queries through a bereavement support line. Ongoing professional support for families is available 24 hours a day through counselling sessions, after hours counselling, home visits and a range of support groups and events. SIDS and Kids programs are offered free of charge to all family members and friends who need support. For as long as they need them, SIDS and Kids are there!
Since 1990, education initiatives such as the SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping Program have saved the lives of an estimated 7,500 Australian babies. Working with health care professionals, childcare organisations and online support networks, new parents have benefited from the SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping recommendations.
All of the above information I got from http://www.rednoseday.com.au/
gee I couldn't have wrote all that by myself ha ha ha
As the Nana of a newborn Grandson I proudly support Red Nose Day.Thank you for all that you do.I know Kerry has taken note of quite a few of their recommendations (big word Dee ah ha ha ).