Thankfully it isn't too far from where they live now.Although I do wish that it was down here near me ......
They decided to sell and down size this new house is stunning but it doesn't have a pool or the gardens mum used to have which will be good for mum as she used to do all the maintenance around their old house and while she loves gardening it was a huge garden..
It feels funny to have them moving I have never lived in the house they have now but it has been their house for 18 years so it's going to be missed.
I wish they were moving down here but they love Queensland and who would blame them for that. Kev and I would love to sell our house and move up to QLD but presently with the Little Man we aren't allowed to take him out of NSW. So we will have to dream but maybe that will change one day who knows what will happen when you are dealing with government agency's.
Mums new house just waiting for them...
Mum's cat Benson is ready for the move......Come on hurry up I am ready to go.....
One thing about them selling that I don't envy is the packing and cleaning up. OMG I look at my house and think I couldn't do it we have too much junk. Mum is very organized though and they have been taking items over to the new house and putting them in the built ins so when the removalist comes there will only be big items that they have to take to the new house.
They are having a garage sale but my mum has already thrown heaps out and has sold things on Gumtree .All part of the down sizing .My Mum never sits still she is always on the go I wish I had a quarter of her get up and go things are well on the way with the move. John is building a new outdoor cat yard for their cat and already has put in some new cupboards that mum wanted for the new house.This move will go so smooth because that's the sort of people that they are.
Part of me wishes it was me moving but the other part says thank God it's her moving ha ha ...
I can't believe the amount of work involved, but it will be great in the new house. It's a beautiful house & we are so lucky.