I love my garden and it hurts me not to be able to go there as much as I want to...
We have three steps I need to get down and I cant do it without Kev so he said he is going to put some handrails up for me so I have something to hang onto to get down there....
SO the last couple of weekends we have been tidying up heaps around the yard the poor thing has been neglected as I am not getting Kevin to go there and do the work and me stay up stairs and watch...But luckily I was feeling better so seized the chance to do some gardening....
Come and have a little stroll through our yard....
Cant go past daises.....
Heres another azalea and it is thriving....
We pulled out a lot of grasses here as they were looking yuck and have replanted with some pretty white and purple flowering shrubs....
Urkk it killed me mulching the garden....Kev brought the bags in and I spread it....
At Bunnings one Saturday we had three trolleys full. Kev keeps saying "Little car Dee Little car" which means stop shopping....
But ha ha ha Kevin it all fit in by using the boot backseat and LM and mine laps.....
This used to be a water feature but we kept having trouble with it leaking all the time.. So I bought this beautiful white azalea so now its a big flower pot....
I also resprayed my ducks to freshen them up... same colour just a quick fresher up...
These pots are in the pool yard I have forgotten what the fruit tree is but omg its growing so well so it must like this spot...
Miss Lilly is loving this spot as well.
This garden is only about 12inches deep as there is a concrete path underneath it.I wanted a garden there and not the path so I won the Lilli pilli growing here is quite tall so it loves it here as well...
The LM helped us as well he was the fertilizer man....
Weird picture do you know what this plant is?....
I will show more in the next part....
Thanks for having a look

Everything looks lovely. Spring & summer the best ever for plants