Aidan eats fruit but sometimes it is a real big hassle to get him to eat it....
So I saw on Pinterest some fruit ideas that I thought I would try out and see how it would go ...
I used cookie cutters ,paddle pop sticks and skewers..
The best part was Aidan helped me out which I think made him want to eat it as well..
These are our favorites just a cut out shape and grapes threaded onto skewers they are a real crowd pleaser....
These are suppose to be worms Aidan said .the eyes were melted chocolate...
So we cut and threaded fruit onto skewers and did it again. We had friends come over for a BBQ and the kids loved it and their mothers were going to try this as well....
Aidan has since asked me for different fruit shapes for school. One day he wants stars the next hearts.
I don't mind at least he is eating more fruit...

Love this idea. It looks terrific.