we recently went on a 3 night comedy cruise..
The boat just goes up the coast to around Taree and turns around and comes home.
Mum was down so she looked after Aidan which he loved and it was a lovely break for us....
We got a balcony room which was lovely so we could leave the door open for fresh air...
It was lovely spending time with kev and I caught up with Kerrys god mother who was also on the cruise so that was a great surprise...
One new thing on the ship was a Pandora shop so naturally I went and had a look and bought a thing or two ok ok I bought more than two ha ha
The entertainment was great...
We went to most shows and laughed ourselves stupid at them ....
Great comedians great jokes great fun...
Guess who got sick (again) and forgot the sea sickness pills...
The beautiful sunrise as we came back into Sydney...
This cruise was lovely and probably cheaper than having a 3 night trip away.
All meals and entertainment were included so once you buy your ticket all you pay for then is your alchol mmmm I wont tell you how much we spent ha ha but drinks were normal prices...
SO go for a cruise youll enjoy it...