For this party the theme was Lego (yeah like you wont be able to tell ha ha ha )
Healthy food (see I didn't just make fun and sugary foods we did healthy and the kids loved it )...Kev made most of the caterpillar..(which I saw on pininterst but I cant find who did it.So thanks for the idea of our hungry caterpillar).I have to say most of this fruit was eaten.
I made little bubble bottles and these were the gift bags to take home which had lollies and stationary in them....
The LM in front of one of the tables.....And look I made REAL chocolate crackles....(rice bubbles coconut and melted chocolate buttons .I tell you this they are unbelievably good and once you make
them this way you won't go back to the other way.)
What is a party without patty cakes...I downloaded the labels and made the cup cake picks .Another hungry caterpillar tray.
The birthday boy....I made some labels to go onto the chocolates (I used cadbury furry friends) I ran out of time to make the cake so I bought this one.Super yum it was....
The 3 of us,I also downloaded the letters for a banner.The party spread.and what party is not complete without balloons.(OMG that will be another post )
I love these pictures....
What a party spread - cake pops that I made .The LM wanted these just like this just with sprinkles.. He also wanted teddy bear cars (made with milkyways ,smarties and Teddy buscuits.) and teacup biscuits are a favorite of his.(tic toc buscuits,marshmallows and freckles for the top.Oops I forgot we cut lifesavers in half for the handles.All put on with melted chocolate or candy melts whatever I had at the time...
I love these photos.We both laughed and laughed....(yeah till I had to clean up the mess on us both -mum cleaned up the rest with Gail)
My beautiful boy turns 5 .....all grown up ha ha ha and doesn't he look good wearing his crown.I was really pleased it was no problem to get him to wear it.Now I have to wash it and put away for next year...
Thanks for looking...
Everthing looked great and the kids all had a good time.