I told Kevin on the morning of the party to pick up the birthday cake and then get the balloons.Normal request? yeah I thought so too. I also asked him to take the LM with him so I could get things ready without him....Yeah things are going great or so I thought till Kev walks in and asks "Who's idea was it to order 40 balloons for me to pick up????.Duh It was me....(Dumb question Dumber answer ) "why?"mum and I both asked together...."well come outside and have a look" So out we go ........
Here is our car filled to the brim with balloons and I mean filled......"where is LM?" I asked -at that moment out pops a little boy smiling -he had been squashed into his car seat with the balloons all over him.When they picked up the balloons the LM asked Kev "where am I going to sit Da?"Kev thought who knows.and just laughed....
Then through all the laughter mum started to help get the balloons out of the car -it was windy and a breeze got her and I thought she was gone......
It seemed to be never ending bunches of balloons blowing in the breeze.Me laughing as they tried to get the balloons out.Do you know how hard it is to take photos while you are laughing.......
We got them all in and released them in the dinning room.They looked great .....and the rest is history...
Moral of the story is -...........Don't order 40 helium balloons and ask your husband to pick them up in a sports car unless you have a good way to make it up to him.....giggle.
It was very funny & poor Aidan stuck in the car the way he was. All the kids enjoyed the balloons though.