Well Christmas is almost here its getting exciting ...The LM is really excited I think 6 years old is the magic age....
Jaxon dressed as a Christmas elf....Hey Nana you said no more funny hats....
This picture looks like it was taken years ago but in fact it was taken recently of my beautiful niece Jessica...
Nana this is the last time I don't think this hat fits.....
What is Summer with out sprinkler fun...here the LM is loving it...
The LM with his friends Jahnaya and Jacinta..
LM was a real good boy when he got his eyes tested.He has perfect vision just a lazy eye.We don't have to do anything he can have a operation when he is 10 but that is only for cosmetic purposes he wont be getting that done......
Little Jaxon crawled into the shower to play in the water while his dad had a shower....Told you he is another little fish...
Miss Lilly is becoming a computer geek...
Kev started to put up our new Christmas tree and guess what a branch was missing so we had to get a refund so we are going to use the old tree maybe it was ghosts of Christmas past telling us something....
This is the LM at 6.30am......do you think he likes technology....
Have a great week
dee xxx
Have a good week end xxx