That's what happened with these little Lego men.I had seen them in a little bottle for $30 and thought no way I can make that.i bought some little Lego men some mini bottles I had the ball chains and thought these would make great boy gifts.
Well I couldn't get the men in the bottles....their arms got stuck ...
And that's where Kev came in.....that man has so much patience and he sat there and did it...
I wont say what he said when I gave him another seven to do ha ha ha
So now my little Lego men are all in their bottles off to their new homes .The LM loves his and I even made one for Jaxon for when his bigger as I don't think Kevin will be able to get into that position then ha ha ha

I was wondering how you did it. of course the first thing angus wanted to do was to removed lego man to play with it :D