This post is going to bore lot of you so if your not interested in medical crap (I'm not ha ha ) just skip it
The Great Leg Nightmare is still going....
I have had lots of friends wanting to know the latest so here it is....pass me the tissues before I go to much further...
My legs are still a mess.I am still getting infections and I have been on the strongest antibiotic for about five-six years when it gets infected I can tell due the the soreness how red it is and hot and the smell so then I just up the antibiotics for a couple of days and it settles back down and I keep taking two a day...till it flares up again...
Recently I had an appointment with my Immunologist.What a waste of time.Well most of it was .My Mixed Connective tissue Disease is there but nothing touch wood has changed or developed there...
I had blood tests done before I went so I could show him and it would save some waiting for the results and coming back to discuss them. Well it seems my kidneys have settled down and we don't have to worry there. My heart is OK but that's cause I am being good and taking medication.
Now my legs are another problem.There is something in my immune system that wont let me heal so that's basically why the ulcers are getting bigger and worse.I still have exposed tendons and the biggest wound on my leg is as big if not bigger than my hand and it is starting to go around my calf not long I reckon and it will join up.The smallest which is on the same leg back on the top of my foot near my toes is about 8cms wide by 15 cm long.I have had this one for about six years and it has got smaller it is the one that they thought they would have to amputate my foot because of well cross fingers it is slow but it is getting smaller.The one on my left foot is twice that size it was really deep which was a concern but is getting shallower.
So I keep dressing my legs every second day taking all the old yuck bandages and bits off clean them up and re wrap them so I can take them off in two days....
Back to the Professor though because I am so anemic I have had had iron infusions a few times and last year I had a blood transfusion well my doctor has decided that every three months I need to have and iron infusion at the hospital Great.
My mum asked him about the possibilities of Stem cell. But because of my heart NO it will kill me as they have to reduce my immune system down to nothing and like I said he said NO it will kill me so cross that off.
He may have an idea as they are doing tests into transferring antibodies from another person into me but at this stage it is still a trial and he needs to get permission to try it on me so he is going to see what he can do...
So that's it at the moment everyday is bad but some days are worse so I just take it one step at a time...
Thanks though for all your warmest wishes they do help me greatly knowing I'm not alone

It is definitely a never ending worry for you. I wish with all my heart that they could find something to heal your legs. Fingers crossed that the antibodies will work when they get around to doing it. Love you ♥♥♥