It was a perfecet wedding in every way....
Except for one little thing....
I told Kev as we were leaving to please put his suit bag in the car...
While at the motel Kev came out in just his shorts and white shirt...
What are you doing !!!
His suit pants wern't in the bag.
I was so upset and crying 15mins till the wedding our house was an hour away and an hour back.
I was going to get my mum to drive half way with the offending pants but then just thought oh forget it we are here for Loni and Evan so I told Kev to go and put his tie and jacket on and lets go....
Well Kev was a talking point everyone thought it great as it was so hot and they thought it was done on purpose......
My crankiness's went away after awhile after seeing Loni and Evan and we settled done for a really great night....

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