The LM and I decided to get Kevin a push bike for Fathers day so he could take LM for a ride around the block or to the park...
We live on a semi busy road so LM is only allowed to ride from corner to corner (our block) if we are out the front to watch him...
Here they are on their first bike together gee they looked so cute....
Kevin didn't want a helmet but I said he has to be a good example for the LM ..
and away they go.....
and away they go.....
did I say and away they go.....
now they have crossed the street and are going the other way...Kev likes the LM to ride in the front so he can watch him....
The LM had just about outgrown his bike so my sister (his real mother) gave us the money to buy him a new bike...He isn't too sure because Kevin took off the training wheels...he can ride it but gets a bit scared...
When we bought Kevin's bike we saw this ladies one for $80 a saving of $130 well I have always wanted a bike like this so we got it so when my legs get better I am going to ride it with them...I would have preferred a different colour but for the price "red" was it has a cute little basket...
Here is my handsome "bikie".......
He has a pouty face here because my bike has a basket and his dosen,'t .......too funny that man...
And here is my little "bikie" what a cutie as well....
The men in my family are quite happy to go for a ride on their bikes each day they look so cute together gee I love them both so much....
I hear this every afternoon after school....
"""DA come on lets go for a bike ride """
"DA come on where are you ?""
""DA come on lets go for a ride"""
Yep every day without fail I hear it.....and so does poor Kevin ha ha but so I will be able to join them...
It looks like they have fun. Maybe Lilly can go in the basket & enjoy the fun.